

The Madman's Daughter
London, 1894. Juliet Moreau has built a life for herself—working as a maid, attending church on Sundays, and trying not to think about the scandal that ruined her life. After all, no one ever proved the rumors about her father’s gruesome experiments. But when she learns her father is alive and continuing his work on a remote tropical island, she is determined to find out if the accusations were true. 
Juliet is accompanied by the doctor’s handsome young assistant and an enigmatic castaway, who both attract Juliet for very different reasons. They travel to the island only to discover the depths of her father’s madness: he has created animals that have been vivisected to resemble, speak, and behave as humans. Worse, one of the creatures has turned violent and is killing the island’s inhabitants. Juliet knows she must end her father’s dangerous experiments and escape the island, even though her horror is mixed with her own scientific curiosity. As the island falls into chaos, she discovers the extent of her father’s genius—and madness—in her own blood.
Releases Jan 29, 2013 from Balzer+Bray/HarperCollins

GIVEAWAY- one ARC of THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER. Read it super early! It's AMAZING.

leave a comment below to enter + contact info

(if you want extra points...)
  1. follow me and tweet the giveaway!
  2. post THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER book cover on Pinterest! (leave link!)
  3. add my book, THE MURDER COMPLEX on Goodreads!

Good luck! Contest ends Mon Oct 29 at Midnight. This book is one of my fav reads of 2012...you want to win!!!


  1. So excited to read this book!

    Email: cjmariee@gmail.com
    (did twitter and goodreads bit for extra points)

  2. I've been really intrigued to read this!
    Email: buffywnabe at gmail dot com

  3. So bloody excited for this one!!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

    1. *facepalm*
      Here's my pinterest link

  4. I follow you on Twitter (and your blog).

    I put the Madman's Daughter cover up on Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/pin/268667933991760068/

    I have also added your book to my Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4515568-kathy-coe

    Thanks for the giveaway! aglassofwineblog@gmail.com

  5. Everything about this book looks great! I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/3438086?shelf=to-read
    Twitter: follow + https://twitter.com/lindsaycwrites/status/260502599239864320

    contact: acousticsilence@gmail.com

  6. I've been excited about Madman's Daughter for a loooonngggg time! I even read The Island of Dr. Moreau in anticipation.
    http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/3760183?format=html&shelf=to-read&sort=title #118

    Thanks for the giveaway, Lindsay! : )
    Jessie Marie @ The Daily Bookmark
    oneohvt @ gmail . com

  7. Thanks for the giveaway, this book looks awesome! So glad you liked it a lot :)

    I added your book on goodreads
    and tweeted here, https://twitter.com/TheFableFaerie/status/260506134539010048


  8. Following by email: myseryniti@live.com
    Added your book to goodreads. That sounds fantastic as does this one. Thank you for the giveaway!

  9. Wow, that book sounds A-MA-ZING! I've added your book to Goodreads :)

    E-mail: reflectivebookworm@gmail.com

  10. Following via Twitter: @Gisselle_Alv
    and Tweeted: https://twitter.com/Gisselle_Alv/status/260516949971312640
    Also added the book! http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/4793399?shelf=to-read


  11. This is so exciting! I hadn't heard of this book but now can't wait to read it! I actually just finished a book v. movie post of the Island of Dr. Moreau :D

    email - easternsunset@hotmail.com
    followed & tweeted - @easternsunset9
    added on goodreads - angela stroud

    Thank you so much!

  12. this cover is so freaking gorgeous. And what a great synopsis. Can't wait to read it.

    Also, I've got your book on my goodreads, and I follow you on Twitter

    Goodreads: mackenzilee

  13. This sounds so good! They say you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover but this one is just so absolutely gorgeous!
    Got your book on Goodreads. Can't wait!!!
    And I follow you on Twitter: @SleepsOnTables
    Email: alexandra.n.ehlers@gmail.com

  14. Oh , this book's cover really cool ! Pick Me :)

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  15. I've heard about this book! It looks so good! (Plus the cover is awesome!)

    Email: pagesagesara@gmail.com
    (I added your book to GoodReads!)

  16. I've been really wanting to read this book! I added your book to Goodreads and I follow you on twitter!

    Lauren G.

  17. Good to hear you loved this book. I'm dying to read it as well.
    Followed via @iEnterGiveaways
    Tweeted: https://twitter.com/IEnterGiveaways/status/260575404895633408


    May I suggest using Rafflecopter to host a giveaway?

  18. follow via GFC [Danielle D]
    tweeted https://twitter.com/dduffield75/status/260577407340249089
    have your book on my TBR list since July 23


  19. Tweeted via @erinlee20 and now follow you, already had your book on my goodreads list (http://www.goodreads.com/erinlee20), and can't wait to read this book.


  20. DYING to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
    I followed you and retweeted your tweet (@tammy_sparks)
    I pinned the cover: http://pinterest.com/pin/442267625876228417/
    I added your book to Goodreads (Tammy Sparks)

    I can't wait to see your book cover:)

  21. This book sounds great!! Thanks for the chance to win! paranormalopinion(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Following you on twitter and tweeted the giveaway: https://twitter.com/ParanormalOpin

    Pinned to Pinterest:

    Added your book to my Goodreads TBR list:

  22. This book sounds so awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
    addiecupcakez (at) yahoo (dot) com
    I follow you on twitter: @addiecupcakezoxo
    I added book to GR: Addie R.

  23. I love this cover. I've wanted to read this book ever since I heard about it.


    Madman's Daughter cover on Pinterest: cεℓтïcεяαƨ мυƨε

    I added book to GR: cεℓтïcεяαƨ мυƨε

  24. I so want to read this book!!
    I follow you and added your book on Goodreads.


  25. Wow Awesome cover! This book sounds so exciting! I tweeted and added the book om my goodreads my account is under my name in it's true form lol Sanchi Hancock.

  26. Awesome giveaway :D Hoping it's international. <3 This book does seem pretty awesome :D *Wants it.* <3
    +1 have added your book on goodreads; dying to read ;)
    Love, Carina ~ carina-olsen@hotmail.com

  27. Can't wait for this book.

    ostipow at gmail.com

  28. piscesgirl1688@gmail.com

    Added it Nikki(Fiction Freak)

  29. Re tweeted and put Murder Complex on GR!

    Brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com!

  30. Sounds awesome!
    Tweet: http://www.twitter.com/DyadicEchoes/status/260747002722258944
    Twitter: @dyadicechoes
    Goodreads (for a long time now!): http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7707317?shelf=to-read

    Email: apatterson(at)dyadicechoes(dot)com

  31. I've been really excited to read this and your review of it made me even more anxious for it!

    (Tweeted from @book_lover1988 and I've added your book to Goodreads)

  32. Sounds like a great read! :) I've tweeted about it from @AmyCavenaugh and added your book on GoodReads. :) I love book giveaways!

  33. Thank you for doing this giveaway. I don't want to post my email but my Twitter is @barley013

  34. Looks great! Already a twitter follower (susan259) RT'd the contest: https://twitter.com/lindsaycwrites/status/260746770336849920

    Added on goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/395260

  35. Love the cover and excited to read! Added to goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13576132-the-murder-complex
    Already follow on twitter @screennamesbite and tweeted giveaway: https://mobile.twitter.com/screennamesbite/status/260755979937910784

    Thanks for the chance at an early read! Fingers crossed! :D

  36. Thanks for the giveaway! I've already been looking forward to this book for weeks, and it doesn't come out for another couple of months...

    follower and retweet @SusieBookworm
    added your book on GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/6905219-susanna?utf8=%E2%9C%93&view=table&search%5Bquery%5D=murder+complex

    bookwormsusanna AT gmail DOT com

  37. Hey! Looks like an awesomely creepy book. I already follow you @adriannems and tweeted (https://twitter.com/adriannems/status/260824586239746048), and your book is definitely in my TBR list!: http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7755248?format=html&page=1&shelf=to-read


  38. This book sounds dark and twisted. PERFECT for me! I just hope this is a International contest (either way, thank you for hosting it!)

    Here is Goodread link to The Murder Complex (blame Girls in the Stacks!) - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/326633489

    pewterwolf (at) googlemail (dot) com

  39. Sounds very interesting! Thanks for the chance to win!
    saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

  40. Enter me please :) Thanks!!

    themgowl at gmail dot com

  41. My wife and I are both very excited to read The Madman's Daughter as well as The Murder Complex. Keep up the good work. all these social media sites allow the reader to follow the creation of a book and the development of an author. It adds something to the overall experience, so thanks.
    I retweeted: @jasondingess

    Jason Dingess
    dingess.jason at gmail dot com

  42. I want to read this terribly!! I did the Twitter and Goodreads stuff for a little extra pointage! ;)
    I truly hope I win!

    Katlyn Charlesworth

  43. I'm dying to read this!! :)))

    Sierra Abrams
    organica_11 @ hotmail . com

    Thanks so much!

    @yearningtoread (follow on Twitter)
    I added your book to my Goodreads TBR shelf - http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/4925774-yearning-to-read?format=html&per_page=100&shelf=intensely-excited-about&utf8=%E2%9C%93&view=covers

  44. Like everyone else: Must. Read. This. Now.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    theflyleafreview at gmail dot com.

    tweeted: https://twitter.com/flyleafreview/status/261173121313280000

    I follow by RSS attheflyleafreview@gmail.com

    Your book has been on my Goodraeds list for a while: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13576132-the-murder-complex

    My pinterest link:http://pinterest.com/pin/207376757812935139/

  45. Great giveaway! Have been waiting for Murder Complex since you announced it's awesomeness!

    Jessica Fonseca @jessannfonseca


  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Madison Louise, and here's my email: madisonlouisesbooks@hotmail.com :)

    And I followed you on Twitter! ( @AuthorMadison ) and I tweeted! https://twitter.com/AuthorMadison/status/261189113548521473

    And I added your book to my GR shelf! Link: http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/6135473-madison-louise?format=html&shelf=to-read

    Awesome giveaway!! Thank you! :)

  48. YA HIstorical!! *flails*

    twitter: Retweet: https://twitter.com/lindsaycwrites/status/261187988371931136

    Add to GR

  49. yay giveaway

    twitter: bookmarkbelles

    and i added ur book to goodreads

  50. The title sounds a bit disturbing. I am sure it will be a great read.


  51. Soooo can't wait to read this!

  52. Ooh I've seen this one around and would love to win! I tweeted &tagged you (@Butterfly_Ghost, already a follower).


  53. Contact: tony@loreslinger.com / loreslinger.com
    Tweet: http://bit.ly/RE29Mu

  54. Sounds good!
    Contact: Laurie L (hagergirl(at)yahoo(dot)com

  55. This book sounds amazing! I'm already following you on twitter... ;)

  56. Love reading this genre, highly admire people who can write it!

    Twitter: DaniAllenRN

  57. This sounds really good!! *crossing my fingers!*

  58. Wow, this sounds awesome! Would love to read it!

    email: rossim@my.canisius.edu

  59. This book sounds really cool and different. I've been excited about it for a while now and would LOVE to get my hands on an ARC (like everyone else hehe). Thanks so much for the giveaway!


    Tweet: https://twitter.com/whoaaitskristi/status/261610182608560128

  60. This book sounds so good! I can't wait.


  61. I'm so excited to read this one! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)
    I added your book on Goodreads as well :)
    email: mangomonkee77(at)hotmail(dot)com
    goodreads: goodreads.com/user/show/7563825-jessica

  62. Your book looks great! Would love to read it. writer11313 at yahoo dot com

  63. This sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Added The Murder Complex on Goodreads: Erin (Bookish in a Box)
    Twitter follower @bookishinabox and tweet: https://twitter.com/bookishinabox/status/261950203140112385

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  64. OMG! thanks you so much Lindsay for this awesome giveaway!
    I already addded your book to my to-read-list on goodreads!
    and I also follow you on twitte too ^_^ woohoo!!


    Thank you again! yay!

  65. HEY LINDSAY! Eep! Thanks so much! I loved your thoughts on this book and I've been so excited for this book! Thanks for the awesome chance to win! Meep!

    I Tweeted: https://twitter.com/InkyReads/status/262743780095041536
    I FOLLOW YOU on Twitter: @InkyReads
    Your book is on my Goodreads shelf: Hannah*Inky*

    Keep rocking! I can't wait to see more news about your book and other fun things you're talking about! Rock on!

  66. Yay giveaway! This book looks rad!

  67. This book is very much awaited by me! It sounds amazing!
    My Twitter name:@kiki3138
    Pinterest link: http://pinterest.com/pin/450500768945044956/
    My GR's shelf:http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/11127195?shelf=to-read

    Contact info:krdeterman(at)gmail(dot)com

  68. Yay this book sounds awesome.

    I follow you on twitter and I tweeted :)

    Twitter handle: @haveitcani

    I added your book on goodreads, my TBR list:
    Goodreads name: mckaykelly

    Email is: kpoo18(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  69. Would love to get an ARC! Can't wait to read it :) I follow you on Twitter and will RT this giveaway. I'm not on Pinterest, but I did add your book as want to read (and I will!). I feel a little old because I graduated highschool the year you were born :) But I'm so amazed at all you're accomplishing at such a young age! The world is yours lady :)

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